Monday, January 25, 2010

Really right now????

This morning we (Eric and I) took Joseph to the surgery center at Banner Desert. He was going to have his left tendon released again. We checked in at 6:30 a.m. They called us back to pre-op about 7:15. Joseph sat on my lap for about 2.4 seconds and then he wanted down. I took him into the play room and let him crawl around and play with the toys. Dr. Hrasky came in and asked how he was doing and checked him and then he said that the anastegiologist (sp???) would be in soon. I put Joseph back down and he went back to playing. I looked over at him and he was chewing on something so I put my finger in and did not feel anything so I put him back down. A couple of minutes later I could see another Dr. enter and it looked like she was looking for us so I walked back to the room holding Joseph. I turned him around so she could see him and she started listening to his heart and he spit a shiny new penny out of his mouth! I was horrified! I did not know what to say. She just looked at me and said, "Is that all you fed him today?" I felt so stupid but at least she did not make a big deal out of it. I could not believe the timing! His surgery went well and he woke up right after and he was very hungry. When the Dr. came in and checked him again he asked that I keep him laying down for the day and to elevate his foot as much as possible! I looked at him and said, "really? A 13 month old?" He just said to do my best. Joseph was down and out of my arms crawling and standing as soon as he could. (so much for the elevating!) I am so thankful for Joseph and what a sweet boy he is and how he just takes everything in stride. I am thankful that there are doctors out there that can help him to walk. I am also thankful for a Heavenly Father who watches over us and helps us constantly.


Unknown said...

Something similar happened to me when Caleb was a baby. He had been playing with a kids's dart gun at my in-laws which I promtly took away. An HOUR later we went to a Dr. App and while he was doing the routine checkup he looked in Caleb's mouth, said, "Oh my gosh!" and pulled out a suction cup from one of the darts! I was so embarrassed. I don't how I didn't see him chewing on it for the past hour.

Jonny, Christi, and Kids said...

Ha Ha! That is funny...the part about keeping him laying down for the day and elevating his foot. Good luck! And I was actually glad that it was a penny, I was afraid that you were going to say that he'd found something worse on the hospital floor like a piece of bandaid. You gotta love babies with their timing and their chipmunk cheeks. We're headed to Banner Desert in February for Darren to have a surgery too. I'm really hoping they run on time...It's got to be HARD depriving an infant of food!

Sara said...

Too funny! I don't know how you would keep his leg elevated either!

Marilyn said...

I'm glad everything went well.

jen said...

I guess you could strap him down, . .. Not a good idea either!

Tiffany Matthews said...

I am glad to hear that things went well today.

Allyson & Jere said...

I'm glad he ddin't swallow the penny. And I'm glad that he's doing so well. Maggie got to visit with Dr. Hrasky last year, he's a nice guy.

Carroll Family said...

So glad the surgery went well. That's pretty funny that he would even think that a 13 month old might "lay" down -ha! I'll have to tell Lafe the penny story - he'll love that!