Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Small Miracles

So today while I was shopping with my Mom Anna's school called and said that Anna was in the office and she had a fever of 104 and she just was not feeling good. I told them I would be right there to get her. I called Eric because he was closer and he went and picked her up. She came home and pretty much slept the rest of the day.

At 6:00 p.m. she and I leave to take her into Twilight Pediatrics because she is burning up and shaky and she hurts everywhere so off we go. We get in the door at 6:25 and we are out the door at 6:55! (miracle #1) That never happens, we usually have to wait much longer than that. The Dr. just says that she has the flu and that she should just take it easy and drink lots of liquid. (miracle #2) . When we get home I drop her off and I head to Walgreens to pick a prescription for Emma. I see the drive-thru lane and there are lots of cars so I decide to go in and save my gas. I go to the pharmacy and there is no line and I am done in 5 minutes! (miracle #3) As I was walking out I check on the price of Diet 7-up because that is Anna's favorite and I do not get it but I see some Popsicles and they are priced at $2.00. I was happy for that price so I went to check out and they end up being $1.29! (#4) I head to Basha's because I had promised Anna that I would get some of her favorite sherbet and they had it on sale. I went right to the ice cream aisle and the sherbet was on the top shelf. I could see where it should be and so I stood on my tip toes and could barely see that there was one left and it was in the very back. I tried to reach it but I could just barely get my fingertips on it but could not get it to come forward! I looked around for a store employee but did not find one. Then I thought maybe just find something to make my arm longer. I used a Keebler Ready Crust but I could hear it cracking as I lifted it up so that would not work. By now my arm was super sticky and I was ready to give up. I decided to go and do the rest of my shopping. I went to the bread aisle and wanted their .88 cent bread and got the very last loaf. (#5) I decided to try one more time to get the sherbet and I kind of said a prayer in my head to inspire me on how to get this ice cream ( I did not want to face Anna empty handed!) As I was coming down the aisle I noticed a display of ice cream scoopers...Perfect! I picked one up, used to it to drag the sherbet forward, and it worked!!!! (#6) I felt like I had just won the lottery or something. I headed home and was so happy to show Anna that I got her sherbet. The miracles don't stop there. As I got home my good friend Jenn West called and said that she could help me get Mandy's stitches out and that she would come to my house to do it! (#7) She came over the stitches came right out and Mandy felt so relieved. After she left Erika came out of her room and reported that her DVD burner on her computer had worked for her after not working for months!!! (#8) I forgot to mention that my Mom and Dad came over to watch my kids and while they were here they got the kids to do their homework, fold and put away all of the laundry and get ready for bed! (#9)

I am so thankful for big and small miracles and for a Heavenly Father who knows us so perfectly that He can make them happen for us when we need them. I am also thankful for family and friends.


Andrea Gunnell said...

The best part about this story is that you recognized each of the small miracles that happened throughout your day. I think too often we just fly by through life without stopping to realize all of the miracles that are occuring and how truly blessed we are!

Tammy said...

I totally agree with Andrea. I'm glad you had and recognized so many miricles. You deserve all of them that you get! I hope Anna feels better soon. Oh, and I totally know the "what can I use to get to the item that is stuck on the top shelf" feeling. It makes shoping very interesting!

Carroll Family said...

I love it when I stop to realize all the little miracles going on - so grateful they were there for you - wonderful family!

Nicole Hunt said...

The simple things are so important! I love it. Hope she is feeling better.

jen said...

It's all in the perspective, isn't it? Some of those things are frustrating and annoying, but how it all works together is the miracle.

Tiffany Matthews said...

I am so sorry to hear about your sick little one. I am glad to hear that she is doing better. I don't know how you do it all you are truly amazing. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help you.

Allyson & Jere said...

Isn't it awesome when you stop and recognize all the "small" miracles that add up to awesome! I'm so glad that you had some good come your way, no matter how "small" it may have been. I love you, and all you are.

Ashley said...

You are so dang adorable! I love that you love your kids so much that you say a prayer to help you reach sherbet! Oh Jenn, we need more people like you in this world!