Friday, July 3, 2009

A lesson learned from Jack and the Beanstalk....

Tonight I was trying to tell Anna a bedtime story but as usual I kept falling asleep as I was telling it and she would wake me up and tell me the next line. I did not last very long into the story when she said, "Mom, Jack had to sell the cow because he did not have a daddy that went out and earned a living for his family." I don't remember ever wording the story that way??? She is four-years-old and I thought that was pretty good! She is a smart one.

While we are on the subject of Anna I have another funny story...
Last night my Mom and Dad were over babysitting and they decided that all of them would go out and trim the bushes in the front yard. They let all of the kids have a turn with "Grandma's special clippers" and they thought that was great! As they were cleaning up they were looking for the clippers and no one had seen them. My mom says they are her favorite pair and she was not going to give up until they were found. They asked all of the girls and no one would own up to where they were. My Dad had to go through all of the clippings again and still no luck. Well finally he had an idea to ask Anna if she had buried them and she promptly told him that she had. He asked her if she remembered where and she said, "of course I remember because I planted a flower on top!" They were all laughing by now and then she said, " I buried them because I was tired of working!" That's my girl.


Michele Tyler said...

I love it! I'm going to bury my mop, vacuum and broom right now! She is a genius!

Kim Sandling said...

I love how Anna noticed how great her daddy is to take care of her family!

I have already decided that my house is buried enough in junk that I shouldn't try to find it by cleaning! J/K! Thank you Anna for the ideas though! I promise not to tell Emily!

jen said...

Love it. When my kids say something truly clever like that, I tend to reduce or refuse punishment, just for the humor of it all.
The key is to not let them in on your secret . . . .

Anonymous said...

What a smartie!