Saturday, April 18, 2009

Our Night Time Routine (Don't worry this is family friendly)
Usually Eric goes to bed around 8:30 - 9:00 and sometimes Emma goes with him to our bed. I am in the rocking chair trying to get Joseph to go to sleep. Anna is walking around saying how hungry she is and Jakey is demanding to see "Bob" (Sponge Bob). At about 10:00 I will sometimes have Joseph asleep so I will lay him on the couch and then go and find Jakey who is usually in Mandy's room watching a movie with her. Anna is still up and saying that she is still hungry. Erika keeps popping out of her room seeing if there is anything she can do between all of her homework. 11:00 Anna is winding down but is now thirsty. Joseph is waking up from his "nap" and I beg Jakey to go and lay down by his dad. Erika comes out again and offers to rock Joseph and Mandy has gone to bed by now. Jakey is still going strong. After telling Anna to go to bed she will finally go and lay by Eric and fall asleep. So now (midnight) Eric has 2 kids in his bed and I am asleep in the rocking chair and Jakey is watching Bob while laying on the couch. 2:00 a.m. I put Joseph down and move Jakey to my bed with Eric. Eric gets up and goes to work at 3:30 a.m. Anna will usually wake up and want another drink. I will then scoot kids over so there is room for me to lay down. This is short lived because Joseph will wake up at 4:00 and want a bottle. I will get up and feed him and we will fall asleep in the rocking chair until 6:00 when everyone else needs to get up. Emma will get up the first time you ask and she goes and gets in the bath. This will usually wake Jakey up and he wakes Joseph up. Nothing can wake up Anna so she sleeps in until 8:30. All in all a restful night.???? We need a bed time routine because I need more sleep! Just thought I would share one more reason why our blog title is so appropriate!


Rydgd said...

I don't know how you function. I'd be brain dead. Super Nanny saved our lives at stinks for about the first three nights...then it's routine and LOVERLY! Good luck! And p.s. - tell erika that I'm very disappointed that she's up past 8:30...naughty, naughty! =)

jen said...

Holy cow! How do you do that every night? That astounds me! I'd try supernanny too. I'm a little selfish with my evenings and nights. I was annoyed Micah had a nightmare last night and crawled into bed with me!

Allyson & Jere said...

Ummmmmm WOW!!! That's all I can think to say here. WOW! I seriously don't know how you function AT ALL. You're amazing to be able to put together a coherent sentence. Sounds like time to put a serious foot down, crack that proverbial whip, 'cause you DO deserve some sleep.

Sara said...

I don't know how you function also. You are super woman! Try waking them up all at the same time and putting them to bed at the same time? Sounds easy enough but it probably isn't. Turn off all the lights and lay down with them or try a book on tape (more boring than a movie) and maybe they will fall asleep faster? Maybe take them to the park or have them exercise right before dinner or aroud then (ride bikes or run around) to get rid of energy? If they are taking naps, cut out the naps (not for joseph or jacob)? Just some ideas that popped into my head......hope it helps!

Nicole Hunt said...

That makes me tired just reading about it! I was thinking that you need Super Nanny the whole time I was reading that. (I need her too:) Super Nanny says NOT to lay down with them. I know bedtime is hard. But so worth it once everything is established.

Kristin Coppee said...

Jenn, I think I'm gonna throw up! LOL. I HAVE to have sleep or I literally feel like I have the flu. We had a hard time getting Sylvie to sleep in a bed when she transitioned out of her crib, but we just laid down the law with our kids and they know when they go in their bed - that's it. There is NO coming out or you get spanked! Only had to spank for about a week and then they got it. Chloe just followed Sylvie's example and stayed in bed on her own. They still try to cry or ask for stuff, but they know they get their one little drink of water before bed and that's it. If there's crying or asking for stuff, they get the wrath of papa and you don't want that!