Tuesday, May 4, 2010

We are MOVING!

We got word today that we were accepted into a beautiful rental home and we could not be happier. We have been looking for a long time and nothing ever felt right. Eric had a whole different list of needs and wants than I did and we could not find a good compromise until today! I have spent so many hours on the computer looking up rentals and then calling our realtor and asking her to set up a time that we could see the house. We would go and see a house and one of us would not like it or something about it. It felt so good to agree on this house!

Last week my friend Shelice called and told me about a house on her street and it sounded interesting. As she told me details of people in the area and how many kids there were and as the list went on I got more and more excited. She told me where to go to see it and so I drove right over there and saw it and fell in love. I immediately called the number on the sign and the lady that answered said that they already had a contract on the house and I told her that I really wanted it and we had the money ready and we were ready to move at any time etc. She said that she would take my number and if anything fell through then she would call and tell me. She said that I would know either way on Sat. Well Sat. came and went and no word so I was a little down. We did spend a little time on Sunday just driving through other neighborhoods and nothing seemed right. I was talking to my friend that night and another call came on the other line and it was the lady with the house. I switched over to talk to her and she said that the renters had not worked out and asked if we were still interested? I could hardly breathe. We set up a meeting for this morning and the rest is history! I do have to mention that the reason for our fast Sunday was for help on the matter of finding the right house at the right time. I got that call Sunday night! Does Heavenly Father know what we need or what? I am so thankful!

We will miss all of our friends over here but we are not that far away. (Val Vista and Adobe) We moved in our house at the end of 2001 with 2 children. We now will be moving out half way through 2010 with 6 children and a lot more stuff and lots of good memories.

We will post pictures as soon as I get my phone camera to work or I can find the charger for my other camera.


Tammy said...

congratulations!!! Sounds great. Can't wait to see it!

jen said...

I've been worried about you since yesterday. Great news!

Jen West said...

that is so super! blessings come :)

Andrea Gunnell said...

I'm so happy for your family! I hope you know that you will be very missed though.

Carroll Family said...

Yeah!!!!!!!!! That is a wonderful area - I have some good friends over there! You'll love it!

Sara said...

That is awesome! Are you in Lori's ward?

Anonymous said...

Awesome! So glad you found the right place!

Dixiechick said...

So, so, so, SOOOOOOO happy for you! I hope that it is everything you want and need, and that you can have even 1/2 of the great experience we've had! Thank goodness for the small or large miracles in life, and for a Heavenly Father that does look out for ya! Good luck with the move, now that is never the fun part. Oh, and I'd totally love to come and help you "decorate" in any way that you need. I sort of love doing it.

Dixiechick said...

Ooops, this is Allyson, posting from Dixies computer. Sorry about that. I forget to log out when I'm over here.

Jenn Toon said...

I'm excited to have you in our ward and neighborhood. I think you'll love it!

Kristin Coppee said...

AWESOME! I didn't realize you had fasted and your answer came that night after your fast! Told you Heavenly Father loves you!