Sunday, May 30, 2010

Miracle #5487... Joseph is walking!

Those of you that have known us over the years and/or have followed our blog know that the youngest in our family, Joseph Robison Crandall [affectionately known as Jofuss] was born with clubbed feet. (Meaning they were totally turned in and funky lookin' when he was born.)

He went from:

To casts for the first few weeks...

To braces for a long time...

To one cast & one brace for a while...

To braces at night and during nap times...

To braces, but not the bar between...

To playing the piano...erm, I mean: to being able to climb up on stuff :)

(And after a LONG time) To being able to WALK! :)

So there you have it, Ladies and Gentlemen, Jofuss is walking & getting better every day! :) He's almost 18 months old and doesn't let ANYTHING stop him. He's a sweet little boy. :)

(Now, obviously, this post was only a short summary of the procedures he had to go through to get to this point... :P)


Allyson & Jere said...

Hooray, hoorah! That is so exciting! But you do KNOW it all goes down hill from here,right? hahaha

Unknown said...

Go Joseph. What a blessing.

Jen West said...

Hooray! That is very cute. Watch-out Crandall world :)

Rydgd said...

That is so super! Great photo history! That kid is going places!

Jenn Toon said...

Ok - that's awesome!!! And even better - in the background was your blog music and at the time I watched the video, "Go, Go Joseph" was playing! :)