Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

I have a confession. I do not love Mother's Day. I think it should be named "day of guilt". Everytime they have talks in church about great mother's it reminds me of all the things I do not do or the things I do wrong. As my kids are growing older I do love the little gifts and cards.

This year I have been thinking about all of the examples of great mothers that surround me and I am thankful for them. I want to do a little shout out to a few of them. There are so many that it would take days to name them so if you do not see your name know that you are still loved and admired.

I will start with my own mother, Grace Halliday. She has taught and continues to teach me everyday. We always had a clean house. She taught us to follow through with whatever we were working on. She is very supportive. She has a strong testimony. The list goes on and on. I love you Mom.

Next is Eric's Mom...Melody Crandall. I don't even know where to start. I love her with all of my heart and she is such a good example and has taught me so much over these last 18 years. I am so lucky to have such a great Mother-in-law.

These ladies are examples to me in many areas. Some are working moms who have jobs outside the home but still seem to have it all together. Some are women who have many trials but never complain. All of them are talented. Thanks to all of you who have touched my life in some way. I know I left many names off of the list and I did not mean to these are just the ones that I remembered this morning......
Joanne Thomas, Jenn West, Jenny Denton, Tammy Clayton, Allyson VanPatten, Kristin Coppee, Lori Towne, Koi Truschke, Christi Clark, Tiffany Matthews, Julie Fischbeck, Michele Tyler, Sicely Bradshaw, Marilyn Roberts, Laurel Crandall, Emily Hughes, Amy Jo Halliday, Andrea Gunnell, Lori Crandall, Pam Crandall, Sara Crandall, Eva Carpenter, Ashley Young, Nicole Hunt, April Bethea, Haley Esky, Rani Halliday, Lynda Peterson, Lisa Brown, Dana Rodgers, Candice Lyman, Berta Whitney, Dawna Stradling, Leanne Carroll, Cynthia Halliday, Sheri Heywood, Kelleen Cardon, Pat Porter, Laurel Johnson, Jenica Ballard, Cathy Hauan.

Thank you and I hope all of you
have a wonderful Mother's Day,
you deserve it!


Marilyn said...

Thanks Jenn, but I don't know why you feel guilty, we all drop the ball sometime but you're a super woman! I don't know how you do everything you do. You are definitely an inspiration! Love you!

Andrea Gunnell said...

Thanks Jenn! Happy Mother's Day to you too!!! I really do hope you realize what a great mother you are!

Allyson & Jere said...

You are so sweet! Thanks for including me on your list, even if I don't feel like I deserve it. See, that's the thing, No ONE feels like they're getting it right all the time, or most of the time, or any of the time. Being a Mother is incredibly difficult, and largely thankless, until the kids grow up and realize how good they had it. Point is, you are perfect for YOUR family. You do so much for them, and LOVE them so wholly. That's all that matters! You are awesome! Time to start believing those words. Love ya!

jen said...

Thanks, Jenn. A little surprised to be included on that list. Just FYI--we all suck sometimes and we're all good sometimes. Hopefully kids only remember mostly good.

Emily Hughes said...

I admit I've felt the same way at church on mother's day. My kids don't get up to sing the mothers day songs with the primary kids during sacrament meeting, and it's frustrated me. You are a great mom and I admire all the things you do. You are a talented woman and I love ya!

Julie said...

Aaaah, thanks mama!!!!

Right back at ya!

Tammy said...

Happy Mother's day to you too. You are an incredible inspiration to me as well!

Jen West said...

awww! you flatter me! ...and mother's day already? you are so on the ball! your family is very very lucky to have you!

The Lymans said...

Jen, you are one of the most impressive moms that I know...Candice

Tiffany Matthews said...

I can't believe all the things that you do. I admire you so much. You do it all somehow. I hope to be just like you when I grow up.