Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sundays #4&#5
Questions and more answers....

What is your favorite thing that Heavenly Father and Jesus created for you?
Emma: grass, trees and flowers
Anna: clothes for Webkinz
Erika: family and friends
Eric: mountains
Mandy: Jakey and Joseph

Name 3 things that you are thankful for that start with the letter "S".
Mandy: showers, shows, songs
Emma: sisters. singing, shows
Erika: school, service, sleeping

When do you think a person gets old?
Emma: they die! 90 years old?
Mandy: when they have grey hair
Eric: when you are older than 25
Erika: you are only as old as you think!

Share a moment when you were proud of someone in your family.
Emma: Joseph because I am proud that he stands up!
Mandy: proud of my Mom for giving birth to all of my siblings and me.
Erika: My mom because she won an Arizoni Award
Eric: My 5yr. old Mandy for climbing to the top of a 30 ft. light pole. Erika for driving her Bug (car). Anna becuase she can sit through Sacrament Meeting. Emma because she has learned to read.

Thank your parents for 3 things they have given you.
Erika: my bug, my brothers, wonderful education
Mandy: life, Webkinz, Legos
Emma: Webkinz, love and birth

If you could create a new holiday what would it be and what colors would you use?
Emma: a family day - we could serve other families and especially the poor ones.
The colors would be red, yellow and blue.
Erika: No Cussing Week! Colors: green and blue.
Mandy: Celebration of the Gorillas. Colors: black, yellow, green and brown.

What is the best part of your day?
Emma: coming home from school
Mandy: going to bed
Erika: going to bed.

We cannot get Anna to participate very often. We have had a good time doing this activity and we will continue until we are out of questions. This is helping me to learn about my children. I love it!


Rydgd said...

This is so great. Where do you get the questions from? Cute answers.

Allyson & Jere said...

It is rather clever of you, I must say. I love the answers, and find them interesting. Are you just making up all the questions, or are you finding them somewhere?

Unknown said...

I love reading your question posts. I learn a lot too.

Jen West said...

super cute. the good thing is that you have a little control with the questions you ask, but still, you have to be brave to do this cause you never know what they are going to say!