Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mandy!

Anyone remember this wee little baby?
How about this little girl on the sweet, wittle pony??
Still don't? Well her name is Mandy. Today is her birthday. Happy birthday! (she turned 10).
And yes, her arm is broken. You are not mistaken. The doctors were so sweet & wanted to give her a present, but this was the best they could do. (Plus, she conveniently injured herself Sunday trying to do a back-bend...smooth.)

--Written by *drum roll, please* Erika!!! Duh-duh-duh!! (my dramatic theme :P)


Sara said...

Happy Birthday Mandy! Doh I didn't know backbends were so dangerous. Maybe I shouldn't tell Megan since she is starting gymnastics this month.

Rydgd said...

Happy Birthday CAST girl!! I love your blue glittery cast - it's awesome! Maddie tried calling...we'll try again in a day or so. Hope it was so great!! Love you- TX Hallidays