Monday, September 1, 2008

The Little Dentist

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Emma. She was a *cough cough* lazy *cough cough* girl that ate nothing and was afraid of everything! One day, she had a loose tooth and was too scared to pull it out and wouldn't eat an apple to help it out. Luckily for her, her older sister--Mandy-- came along, handed Emma a Care bear, positioned her on the couch, and pulled the tooth out for her; becoming a renowned dentist. Now, whenever Emma has a loose tooth, Mandy is right there and pulls them out for her. The End.
Nice story, huh?!? What would you say if I told you it was TRUE!!?!? Mandy has been pulling Emma's loose teeth lately, and if you don't believe me, here's some pictures to PROVE IT!

"Here, lay down, Emma... This will only hurt a little. Here's a Care bear to hold onto...""Ope! Got it! Now that wasn't too bad, now was it?!?"

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